Maggie Beer Foundation

Linking the latest research on food with professional practice to improve mental and general wellbeing
Maggie Beer Foundation

The origins of the Maggie Beer Foundation began forming in Maggie’s mind during 2010, while she was focussing on numerous speaking engagements as Senior Australian of the Year.

By 2014, the inspiration had become a reality, based within SAHMRI’s distinctive ‘Cheesegrater’ headquarters.

The Foundation is a vibrant, influential and authoritative charity that will improve the food experience and quality of life for current and future generations of older people. In fellowship with her Board of industry leaders, professors and health advisors, Maggie has made it her personal mission to link the latest research of how the food we eat can impact brain health and general wellbeing, with her innate knowledge of what good food can do for everyone’s emotional wellbeing – a truly nourishing mix, so much greater than the sum of its parts.

Want to know more?

Visit the Maggie Beer Foundation Website

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