Participate in Clinical Trials

INVOLVED: SAHMRI's Clinical Research Participation Register
Participate in Clinical Trials

The INVOLVED Clinical Research Participant Register is an opportunity for members of the community to hear about research that might be of interest to them.

This register will help SAHMRI researchers improve recruitment for their research.

Individuals might be notified about clinical trials or research that is of interest to them, and can respond to these emails and express their interest to receive further information.

Why is it important?

Clinical trials help build the future of medicine. Today’s clinical trials are tomorrow’s standard of care. One of the most significant problems faced by researchers is finding participants for their clinical studies.

Many members of the community are eager to participate in clinical trials. INVOLVED is a way to bridge this gap and create a streamlined approach to recruitment for research while informing the community about current opportunities that may be of interest to them.

Who can take part?

Individuals over the age of 18 living in Australia with an interest in clinical trials and research. Research at SAHMRI covers a wide range of health areas that require all different kinds of participants, including healthy volunteers. As a participant in INVOLVED, you can also share the information you receive with your family and friends.

Interested in joining INVOLVED?

Register here

Joining the INVOLVED register does not place you in any clinical trials or research. It is simply a way for you to be notified about clinical trials and research happening at SAHMRI and opt to receive more detailed information if you are interested.

If you would like to speak to someone from the team or remove your details from INVOLVED, please email