Gnotobiotic facility

Gnotobiotic facility

Established in 2018, the on-site OGTR certified Germ-Free rodent facility provides resources to breed, house and perform procedures under sterile conditions.

The facility holds a capacity of close to 500 gnotobiotic mice, with dedicated experimental rooms to house axenic (germfree), mono-colonised and complex-colonised mice.

Knowing the challenges faced when working with gnotobiotic animals, our experienced staff work closely to assist researchers at all times. The facility holds a small breeding colony including common strains such as C57BL/6 and Balb/c with the ability to rederive new strains as requested.

Our Equipment includes:

  • Two large semi-rigid isolators holding up to 40 cages each and four mini-Q isolators holding up to six cages each
  • Two ISO-cageP racks holding up to 29 cages each
  • Sterilising equipment including Getinge steam steriliser and ethylene oxide steriliser
  • Class II biosafety cabinets to enable procedural work while maintaining germ-free conditions
  • Small animal anaesthetic machines

101 Blacks Road
Gilles Plains, SA 5086

P: +61 8 8128 4627