The latest research from SAHMRI’s Be Well Lab has revealed 2 in 3 Australians are struggling to cope, living in distress with low wellbeing. The statistics are shocking and now is the time to do something about it.
October is Mental Health Month and Be Well Co is taking the opportunity to launch a series of free resources to help you and your people build mental health and wellbeing.
Staying on top of wellbeing is important all year round and this October is a great opportunity to pause and think about the things we are doing in our everyday lives to promote good mental health, not just for ourselves, but for those around us.
Social connection is a core driver of mental health, so whether you are in a team at work, a community group or as part of your family or friendship circle, the aim is to build wellbeing while also connecting with others.
Be Well Co’s theme this year is, '5 things you can do with your people this Mental Health Month' and the simple steps you can take to boost your wellbeing are:
- Use the online Be Well Tracker for a wellbeing check-in.
- Listen to leading researcher Matthew Iasiello, who will help you unpack your results.
- Engage in a series of evidence based Be Well activities that you can do together with others.
- Watch an online Be Well webinar on October 26, led by a Be Well master trainer.
- Download a series of Be Well resources.
Listen to Be Well Co co-lead Joep van Agteren chat to FIVEaa's David & Will for World Mental Health Day.