The VacciMum Study

Assessing the impacts of maternal immunisation on infant innate immune responses

The VacciMum Study
Project Status: In progress
Project administered by: Flinders University

We're looking for mothers with healthy babies to participate in a study to find out how vaccines during pregnancy influence your baby's immune system.

You and your infant may be eligible if you are an adult (18+) who is pregnant or who has recently given birth (less than 4 weeks ago) and you either:

  • Did not receive any vaccinations during pregnancy, or
  • Received any approved vaccines during pregnancy

What's involved?

  • A recruitment interview (in person or via phone) to determine eligibility of your infant
  • One study visit where a blood sample (5mL, about a teaspoon) will be collected from your infant
  • You will also be asked to collect a stool sample from your infant that can be mailed back to the study team by prepaid envelope

A $100 voucher will be provided at the study visit to compensate you for your time.

Are you interested in taking part?

Register your interest

After completing this form, a study nurse will be in touch to determine your eligibility and provide more information. You can also contact the study team on (08) 8161 6328 or and ask about VacciMum.


Vaccinology and Immunology Research Trials Unit (VIRTU), Women's and Children's Hospital

This project is funded by the National Health and Medical Research Council