Wendy Keech

  • Chief Executive Officer Health Translation SA
Wendy Keech

Since 2018, Wendy Keech has been Executive Director of Health Translation SA, SA’s NHMRC accredited Research Translation Centre. In this role, Wendy brings together the expertise and strengths of 11 health service and academic partner organisations to accelerate the rate of research translation in the health system to positively impact patient outcomes. She connects nationally with the 13 other accredited Research Translation Centres across Australia.

Prior to this role Wendy’s career has included working in the non-government and research sectors, focusing on Cardiovascular Disease and Cancer Prevention, Research, and Support Services; Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Research; Clinical Trials; Sport Injuries; Public and Population Health; and Primary Prevention focusing on physical activity, tobacco control, and nutrition. She has held roles across Australia and the USA along with chairing and supporting community boards in SA.

Wendy’s extensive experience in healthcare, research and advocating for system improvement underscores her commitment to delivering better outcomes for the community.

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Find out more about Wendy's research outputs, qualifications and affiliations on the SAHMRI Researcher portal