Affiliate Associate Professor Anne Hamilton-Bruce

    PhD(Adel)., MBA., MSc., LLB.(Hons.), BSc., CBiol., FRSB., AFCHSE., CSci., FIBMS.
    • CALHN
    • South Australian Health and Medical Research Institute (SAHMRI)
    • University of Adelaide
    Affiliate Associate Professor Anne Hamilton-Bruce

    Affiliate Associate Professor Anne Hamilton-Bruce is a Principal Medical Scientist, Management Coordinator and Director, Stroke Research Programme (SRP), Neurology, The Queen Elizabeth Hospital; Co-Lead, Research and Education, Neurology, Central Adelaide Local Health Network, Royal Adelaide Hospital; Principal Research Fellow, South Australian Health and Medical Research Institute (SAHMRI) and Affiliate Associate Professor, Adelaide Medical School, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Adelaide, South Australia.

    With a neuroscience, management and legal studies background, her principal research interest is cerebrovascular disease, including primary and secondary stroke prevention, treatment and management, as well as clinical models of care. Anne undertakes and supervises undergraduate research student placements, as well as Honours, Masters and PhD research on the provision of stroke and transient ischemic attack (TIA) services including community TIA services, stroke (genomics, proteomics and lipid research), and environmental risk factors, health literacy in stroke, health economics and organisational management, including animal assisted interventions (AAI).

    Anne also has an interest in interdisciplinary research, having collaborated with allied health and nursing on the evaluation of patients with stroke by means of surveys, focus groups and in-depth interviews. She has participated in evaluation research with the School of Animal and Veterinary Sciences at the Roseworthy Campus of the University of Adelaide. Currently her research focus is on biomarkers to Find A Simple Test In TIA (Transient Ischemic Attack) (FAST-IT), a discovery study using high-throughput Mass Spectrometry for proteomic and lipid biomarker identification with machine learning. She is also Chief Investigator for an AAI Action Research Study, Dogs Offering Support after Stroke (DOgSS) in the Stroke Unit at the Royal Adelaide Hospital.

    With a range of inter-disciplinary research interests, Anne contributes her scientific, management and evaluation expertise to the SRP for clinical research translation to ultimately benefit the community. Anne is available to be contacted for supervising undergraduate and higher degree students, as well as collaborating with researchers in ground-breaking SRP research, currently FAST-IT and DOgSS, as well as co-supervising and researching other projects that align with SRP research aims.

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    Find out more about Anne's research outputs, qualifications and affiliations on the SAHMRI Researcher portal