New children’s book shines a light on diabetes risk and foot health

07 Sept 2023
New children’s book shines a light on diabetes risk and foot health

“Feet are important. They take you where you need to go. If you don't look after then, you can't play footy or swim or look for honey ants.”

SAHMRI’s Wardliparingga Aboriginal Health Theme has provided the research behind an innovative new children’s book educating young people about the importance of looking after their foot health.

'My Feet’, written by author Aimee Chan and llustrated by the talented Aboriginal artist Leilamarie Stuart-Likouresis, seeks to teach children aged five to eight vital foot care knowledge, to help address the growing issue of preventable foot amputations caused by diabetes.

The book has been developed under the guidance of Beth Tiernan, a Podiatrist and Practitioner in Residence at the SA Aboriginal Foot Project run by the Wardliparingga team.

“We see a considerable overrepresentation of avoidable foot complications in those with diabetes across the nation, with the vast majority in the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander population,” Ms Tiernan said.

“Factors like remote locations, social determinants of health and lifestyle play a critical role. This book aims to educate children early, while also reaching their families and communities.”

Future plans include translating the book into the Pitjanjatjara language, broadening its accessibility. Further funding has been secured to develop a comprehensive framework that integrates the book into early primary curriculum, both in English and First Nations languages. If you are interested in receiving a copy of this book, please contact

'My Feet' Illustrator Leilamarie Stuart-Likouresis at Seaview Christian College book reading

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