The Antibiotics and Vaccine Immune Responses Study (AVIRS)

Investigating whether antibiotics to deplete the gut microbiota influences immune response to the BCG vaccine

The Antibiotics and Vaccine Immune Responses Study (AVIRS)
Project Status: Recruiting
Project administered by: Flinders University

Researchers from SAHMRI, Flinders University and SA Health are looking for healthy adults aged 18-35 to participate in the Antibiotics and Immune Responses Study (AVIRS).

The aim of the study is to assess whether having antibiotics to deplete the gut microbiota influence the immune response to the BCG vaccine, which is commonly used to protect against tuberculosis. AVIRS Participants will receive up to $750 reimbursement for their time.

What is the study for?

Responses to vaccination are poorer in some people, such as infants, the elderly and those living in poor resource settings, for reasons that are poorly understood. The AVIRS research team suspects that differences in gut bacteria might explain why vaccines work better in some individuals than others.

To test this, we will examine vaccine responses in healthy adults who have, or who have not, taken antibiotics to deplete their gut bacteria. We will assess immune responses to the BCG vaccine (an apporved, safe vaccine against tuberculosis) or the Yellow Fever vaccine (an approved, safe vaccine against Yellow Fever). This research could identify new ways to improve vaccine responses and better protect people from infectious diseases.

AVIRS at Fringe Festival

AVIRS was featured at the 2024 Adelaide Fringe Festival for a science-meets-comedy showcase. Click here to see a light-hearted take on the study!

Participants in AVIRS will need to:

Attend multiple study visits at SAHMRI and have blood taken
Take antibiotic tablets for 3 days or take no antibiotics
Receive up to two vaccinations (both are approved, safe, vaccines)
Provide 3 stool samples (self-collected at home)
Some participants will also have a skin sample (biopsy) taken at the end of the study
Participants will be reimbursed $500-$750 for their time

AVIRS is funded by the National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) and all procedures have been approved by the Central Adelaide Local Health Network (CALHN) Human Research Ethics Committee.

To find out more about AVIRS please get in touch

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